WEBINAR REPLAY: "Chest Tube Management in Cardiac Surgery" | ERAS Cardiac Society Webinar in collaboration with CTSNet

Key speakers Marc Gillinov, MD, Jurij M. Kalisnik, MD, and Lenard Conradi, MD discuss the clinical implications of retained blood, current strategies in chest tube management, and the benefits of posterior pericardiotomy.
Webinar moderated by Kevin Lobdell, MD, and Marc Gerdisch, MD.



Improved Drainage with Active Chest Tube Clearance

Click to Download Study Click to Download Study
Akira Shiose, Tohru Takaseya, Hideyuki Fumoto, Yoko Arakawa, Tetsuya Horai, Edward M. Boyle, A. Marc
Gillinov and Kiyotaka Fukamachi. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2010; 10:685–688

A preclinical study performed in the laboratories of the Cleveland Clinic compared 32 Fr PleuraFlow® ACT
Systems to 32 Fr conventional chest tubes. In a head to head comparison with a same sized conventional chest
tube in the setting of heavy bleeding, the PleuraFlow evacuated significantly more blood from the chest, resulting in significantly less retained blood in the chest cavicty.