WEBINAR REPLAY: "Chest Tube Management in Cardiac Surgery" | ERAS Cardiac Society Webinar in collaboration with CTSNet

Key speakers Marc Gillinov, MD, Jurij M. Kalisnik, MD, and Lenard Conradi, MD discuss the clinical implications of retained blood, current strategies in chest tube management, and the benefits of posterior pericardiotomy.
Webinar moderated by Kevin Lobdell, MD, and Marc Gerdisch, MD.



Chest Tube Selection in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery: A Survey of Chest Tube-Related Complications and Their Management

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Shanaz Shalli, Diyar Saeed, Kiyotaka Fukamachi, A. Marc Gillinov, William E. Cohn, Louis Perrault, Edward M. Boyle. J CARD SURG 2009;24:503-509

A survey of North American cardiothoracic surgeons and specialty cardiac surgery nurses performed to better define problems with current
paradigms for chest drainage.

  • 100% of surgeons had observed chest tube clogging
  • 87% of surgeons reported adverse patient outcomes from a clogged chest tube
  • 87% of surgeons reported that they use larger diameter chest tubes due to the concern for the potential for chest tube clogging
  • 51% of surgeons stated that they are not satisfied with currently available tubes and procedures to avoid tube occlusion
  • 74% of surgeons believe that patient discomfort is impacted by the diameter of chest tubes used
  • 72% of nurses reported that their institution does not allow nurses to strip chest tubes
  • 75% of nurses report that managing chest tube clogging takes them away from other important tasks.