Superior Chest Drainage with an Active Tube Clearance System: Evaluation of a Downsized Chest Tube

Yoko Arakawa, Akira Shiose, Tohru Takaseya, Hideyuki Fumoto, Hyun-Il Kim, Edward M. Boyle, A. Marc Gillinov and Kiyotaka Fukamachi. Ann Thorac Surg 2011; 91:580-583
As a followup to the previous study, this preclinical study performed in the laboratories of the Cleveland Clinic compared 20 Fr PleuraFlow® ACT Systems to 32 Fr conventional chest tubes. In another head to head comparison in the setting of heavy bleeding, downsized PleuraFlow systems evacuated significantly more blood from the chest, resulting in significantly less retained blood in the chest cavity. This is the first time a small diameter tube has not only been found to be equivalent to a larger tube, but in fact superior.